What to Wait For

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This skit is designed to be a part of helping teens to think about the season of Advent as we wait for Christmas. You can check out additional devotions and Bible studies on the site to go with this skit or use it as a conversation starter along with Isaiah 9:6-7 about this season of the church year.

Both parts can be played by male or female youth. It’s also designed to be easily done over Zoom.


DYLAN            Enthusiastic TV fan

ZOE                 Dylan’s Friend


DYLAN: (entering wearing a chef’s hat and holding a bowl with a whisk) Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I cannot WAIT!

ZOE: What are you so excited about?

DYLAN: Well the new season of my FAVORITE show, Game of Scones, is coming out soon!

ZOE: Game of Scones?

DYLAN: Oh, you haven’t heard of it? It’s this really, really intense baking show that is a battle of brains, brawns and will power! …and baking ability too, I guess.

ZOE: (laughs) That sounds like quite the show.

DYLAN: Oh yeah, the winner gets a million dollars, their own bakery and bragging rights, while the losers get their baker’s hats and aprons are burned in this HUGE fire while the rest all chant (chants dramatically, in his own little world) So close but not enough! Never enough! Never enough! Never enough! (turns back to ZOE) It’s very dramatic and I love it. If there’s two things I live for its drama and quality baking.

ZOE: Well that’s good for you then. So, the show’s coming back on then?

DYLAN: Yes! The new season starts at the beginning of December and I am PUMPED.  I got all my gear ready, (holds up whisk and bowl) so I can recreate what they make on the show, I got the whole season prerecorded AND I’m setting up a watch party for the first episode, which is always like the best one. You can come too if you want!

ZOE: Well thanks! And it sounds like you are prepared for Game of Scones!

DYLAN: Am I ever! It’s something that’s Incredibly important to me so I just want to make sure I have everything in place, you know?

ZOE: (nods) Yeah, that totally makes sense.

DYLAN: It’s a bummer, though, because this is the last season of Game of Scones. It’s been running a long time and the judges all agreed it’s run its course. I get it but I’m still kinda bummed.

ZOE: Aw, I’m sorry.

DYLAN: (dramatically) It’s okay. It’s only the best show ever invented ever. I can always go back and watch past seasons. Or maybe someday I’ll find a show that’s half as good. Maybe.

ZOE: (laughs) I think you’re being a bit dramatic.

DYLAN: Me? Dramatic? Never. Anyway, what about you? Got any shows you’re looking forward to? Anything to be excited about?

ZOE: Well you know Christmas is coming up-

DYLAN: Christmas? That comes every year, plus Christmas day isn’t until the 25th that’s forever away, you need something closer.

ZOE: That’s the whole point of the season of Advent, it’s the anticipation of Christmas and the coming of Christ.

DYLAN: That happens every year though. This is the LAST and FINAL season of Game of Scones! This is once in a lifetime.

ZOE: God sending His son to Earth to be made man and dwell among us and then die for our sins isn’t special?

DYLAN: (embarrassed) …It’s just that it happened a long time ago. And it happens every year. It’s the same story every single time.

ZOE: That’s the beauty of it! God’s grace is never ending, never changing! There is no final season to God’s forgiveness, Jesus came to save all people of all time, not just at Christmas time, but all the time.

DYLAN: Yeah, but then why have Christmas if God’s grace is always free?

ZOE: Christmas is a special time to remember what Jesus came to do for us and Advent is the season preparing us for Christmas. Just like you prepared for Game of Scones because that was important to you, Christians prepare for Christmas during Advent.

DYLAN: But like I don’t get how to “prepare” for Christmas other than writing a Christmas list of presents and buying gifts for friends and family.

ZOE: Well one way on how you can prepare is by reflecting on your life and on why you need Jesus as your Savior.

DYLAN: (jokingly) Yeah, just like on Game of Scones, I absolutely would be (chants) Never enough! Never enough! Never enough!

ZOE: I’m being serious here. Have you ever really sat down and thought about why you need a Savior in your life?

DYLAN: (embarrassed) Not really. I wouldn’t really know how to do that.

ZOE: Well, that’s where we look at God’s Word. The law of God’s Word shows us where we fall short, shows the sinner in us.

DYLAN: Yeah, I don’t like to look at that part, it makes me feel bad.

ZOE: That’s the Law’s job. It’s there to help us realize our sin, repent, and realize why we need a sinner. Why we need Jesus.

DYLAN: I mean I know I need Jesus, but I never really reflected on why Him coming to save us, especially me, is so important.

ZOE: That’s what Advent is here for. To help us prepare for Christmas so it’s not just another holiday with presents, that it’s something truly meaningful. I mean think about how long people of the Old Testament waited for a Savoir, just having living in the faith that He would come one day.

DYLAN: Yeah, that’s true. So, Advent is just an entire season of…getting ready?

ZOE: That’s it. Getting ready for our Savior and why we need Him. Jesus’ birth, perfect life, and resurrection saves us from the Law, our sin. We get ready with things like Advent wreaths, special Advent service and devotions. It’s a very special time of the year.

DYLAN: Yeah, you know, now I’m kinda pumped.

ZOE: Isaiah, an Old Testament prophet, said in the Bible “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

DYLAN: Wow, they got all those names for Him. They were ready and excited for Jesus. I mean I get it, He WOULD take away their sins and all. It’s just like nothing new to me, you know?

ZOE: But that’s why we have Christmas and Advent every year: To look at Jesus’ birth with fresh eyes and truly appreciate who He is and what He’s done for us.

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About the author

Brianna is a St. Louis native who has been writing plays for middle school, high school, and college age youth since 2014. She loves writing scripts that are relevant to youth on current topics. In 2019, Brianna’s play, “Disorder in the Court,” was published by Pioneer Drama Services. This play has been performed in over 40 schools and community theaters across the United States and Canada. She has also written Vacation Bible School scripts for Concordia Publishing House. Brianna loves using her Christian values to create resources that can be used in children and youth ministries.
View more from Brianna

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