Never Alone

Download the Script here.


In this skit, we highlight how disconnection and loneliness can seem like a constant companion during difficult times like these. Yet, God’s Word brings us hope and reminds us that we are never alone. God is with us and ties us together through the Gospel.

This play is designed to be a conversation starter with your students. You can do it in person or over Zoom to start conversations around the impact of loneliness and where we find Home in Christ in these times. Use the verses throughout this piece as a starting point for that conversation.


KELLY- teen (can be male or female)

WARREN- Kelly’s friend (can be male or female)

LONELINESS- Kelly’s loneliness and doubt. Tries to discourage Kelly

HOPE- Kelly’s hope. Tries to renew Kelly’s faith and optimism


(KELLY and WARREN are on screen in their own separate boxes)

WARREN: (laughing) Remember that time we went to the zoo with Jeremy, Nathan and Jenna?

KELLY: (laughing as well) It just started pouring! We had to find shelter in the pavilion by the monkeys!

WARREN: We just stood there and talked for hours, even when it stopped raining. (sighs) man, that was a good day. I think I still have pictures of it somewhere on my phone.

KELLY: Yeah, too bad the zoo’s closed.

WARREN: It’s too bad everything’s closed.

KELLY: I miss you a lot Warren. I miss hanging out with you and everyone else.

WARREN: You still see me at school.

KELLY: Barely. From six feet away. With a mask on. The only time I get to actually see you is through a screen. That’s how I see anyone now.

WARREN: This isn’t forever-

KELLY: Yeah, but when’s it going to end? No one knows. It feels like a million years. It feels like it’ll never get better. I’m so sick of being stuck inside that I just feel the walls closing in and I just want to scream or something, I just can’t take it.

WARREN: You just gotta be patient-

KELLY: I know that patience is a virtue or whatever, but it’s also really, really hard.

WARREN: Things aren’t always going to be easy, Kelly.

KELLY: But why aren’t they?

WARREN: (shrugs) Because that’s how life is.

KELLY: Does life take constructive criticism? Cause I have a loooooong list of things that I think should be changed.

WARREN: (laughs) I don’t think it really works like that.

KELLY: Well it should.

WARREN: I gotta get going to dinner here, but I’ll see you around school?

KELLY: I mean technically, but not really.

WARREN: Try and be positive!

KELLY: I’m positive everything’s awful.

WARREN: I’ll see you.


(WARREN leaves the screen. LONELINESS comes on screen in lots of dark colors, hunched over, very creepy.)

LONELINESS: Kelllllyyyyyyyyyy! What is up buddy?

KELLY: (scared) who are you?

LONELINESS: (laughs) who am I? I am loneliness, Kelly. I am doubt, bringer of a lack of hope, fear, and isolation.

KELLY: Well could you maybe, like, go away? It’s been pretty rough with the whole Corona thing.

LONELINESS: Oh, I know. Corona’s got me at my prime, my friend. You can’t go out and do anything and see anyone. What little interaction you do get you’re all masked up and six feet apart. When was the last time you saw your friends smile? Like in person? When was the last time you gave them a hug?

KELLY: (very sad) I… I don’t know…it’s been a while. It’s been some time-

LONELINESS: (listing on fingers) Your favorite restaurants are still closed, Church is open-sorta-but you’re still watching online, school is just weird and awful, you can’t have your friends over, no parties-

KELLY: (frustrated) Stop it!! I don’t need reminders.

LONELINESS: Um, I mean I AM loneliness, kinda my job, Kelly.

KELLY: I mean things are pretty bad…

LONELINESS: That’s right! The world looks bleak, and there’s nothing you can do about it!

KELLY: Well…well maybe there’s something!

LONELINESS: (taunting) Really? Like what?

KELLY: (lost for words) I could organize…an.. uh…um…

LONELINESS: You can organize a NOTHING. Face it: everything’s awful, you’re trapped in this house alone! You’re all on your own Kelly! You’re Totally ALONE!

KELLY: I am powerless here…

LONELINESS: That is just so true there, Kelly. Let’s just dwell on that til, like, forever- (HOPE comes on screen, very bright and colorful, looking calm and optimistic. LONELINESS, disgusted at the sight of HOPE) Um, excuse me, who are you?

HOPE: Well I am hope. I’m positivity and belief in-

LONELINESS: (cutting off HOPE) Yeah, yeah, don’t care. Now, Kelly, where were we? Right. Isolation. Doubt. Everything’s falling apart.

HOPE: It doesn’t have to.

KELLY: It doesn’t?

HOPE: It doesn’t!

LONELINESS: Um, have you checked the news lately?

HOPE: I have… I’ve also checked the Bible.

KELLY: How’s that going to help now?

LONELINESS: Yeah, reading some book alone will still definitely make her alone. That doesn’t make her closer to anyone. That doesn’t make any of this go away.

HOPE: First off, the Bible is not “some book”, it’s the Word of God.


HOPE: So, its God’s words directed exactly toward us, for the good times and the bad. It’s there to inspire us and help us through times of need.

KELLY: I’ve gone to church since before I was born, I know the bible inside and out, there’s nothing in there for me that I need right now. I know that for a fact.

HOPE: Kelly, there’s ALWAYS something new in the Bible to learn. We are constantly growing and changing, and the Bible is alive and active through the Holy Spirit. God shows us new things every time we open the text.

KELLY: So what’s there that I haven’t seen there before?

HOPE: Ever paid particular attention to John 14: 27?

KELLY: I mean, I’m sure I’m sure I’ve read it…

HOPE: It reads: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

KELLY: Look, I know that God is with me, but-

HOPE: Kelly, God’s presence is with us, even when we don’t feel it. Even if we think that we are on our own, He’s right by our side, every step of the way, just like he’s right by our side through these hard times.  God gives us faith to trust in Him, Kelly. You are not alone, and neither are any of your other fellow believers. You are scattered, but you are not separated. You are always united in Christ’s love and forgiveness.

KELLY: (feeling better) Yeah…yeah! We are distant, but we are still connected through the Holy Spirit.

LONELINESS: (looking nervous) Um, yeah, that’s all great, but um, things are bad, really bad out there-

KELLY: But you know what? I have faith that God is always with me. And that is stronger than any pandemic that will be thrown my way. (opens up and reads her Bible) Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

LONELINESS: Yeah, but where are you going now?

KELLY: The trials God’s have us face don’t always look like what we might have thought. Sometimes it’s something as crazy and as unexpected as a pandemic. But God is still here with us. As Philippians 4:13 says “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Download the Script here.

About the author

Brianna is a St. Louis native who has been writing plays for middle school, high school, and college age youth since 2014. She loves writing scripts that are relevant to youth on current topics. In 2019, Brianna’s play, “Disorder in the Court,” was published by Pioneer Drama Services. This play has been performed in over 40 schools and community theaters across the United States and Canada. She has also written Vacation Bible School scripts for Concordia Publishing House. Brianna loves using her Christian values to create resources that can be used in children and youth ministries.
View more from Brianna

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