How Do I Know?

Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea…” (Psalm 46:2)

Tumult can be terrifying. Change can be unsettling. And new opportunities can present difficult decisions. Nevertheless, our Real. Present. God. is always with us – even during tumultuous times. Therefore we will not fear even when we face change, challenges, or complex decisions.

This study, How Do I Know? A Simply Approach to Complex Decisions, deals with making significant or even life-altering decisions. This four session study offers a biblical filter for making complex decisions. Participants will gain tools for sorting through the many different voices seeking to influence the decision-making process and determine which path is the right one.

Download the Leader Notes PDF.
Download the Participant Handout PDF.

The session topics include:

  • Confronting Your Decisions: The power and promises of God’s Word are vitally important when it comes confronting decisions. Turning to the Word and the promises of Jesus allows us to make decisions with a proper context
  • Connecting through the Discernment Process: Other people can see things that you cannot. For this reason, it is wise to invite the right people into our decision-making process. God does not intend for us to live life – or make decisions – alone.
  • Contemplating before Courageously Stepping Out: The Psalms have been the prayer book of God’s people for generations. Countless people have turned to the Psalms to help guide their prayers. Prayer is like a marinade for tough decisions. Complex decisions need to be soaked in prayer.
  • Content in Your Identity: Every decision is an opportunity to trust in Christ alone. He is the one in whom our identity is formed and sustained through every hill and valley of life. When we finally make a tough decision, we are taking a bold step of faith and trust in God.

God is our refuge and strength. God is a very present help in trouble. God invites us to be still and know that He is God. These are all ways in which our Real. Present. God. offers His peace and presence in the midst of complex decisions. It’s never easy making difficult decisions. Yet, we face these decisions knowing that God is all powerful and all personal. And this God is for us in Jesus!

Download the Leader Notes PDF.
Download the Participant Handout PDF.

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