Sexuality Mentality – Creating a Culture of Biblical Integrity

“The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress.” (Psalm 46:7)

A mighty fortress –solid walls, firm footings, a bulwark never failing – is essential to surviving a battle. Scripture declares that our Real. Present. God. is a mighty fortress.

Download the Leader Notes.
Download the Participant Handout.

This study, Sexuality Mentality: Creating a Culture of Biblical Integrity, prepares us for the battle of living a life of biblical sexual integrity. These five sessions will help students understand the true intentions of our Real. Present. God. as He created sex and marriage to benefit us in our earthly lives. Participants will learn how the saving knowledge of the Gospel, Christ for us and with us, is central to a biblical sexuality mentality.

The session topics include:

  • What’s the Problem? God v. Satan For the Souls of People: There is a great battle going on all around us: The Battle of Good and Evil. Satan uses casual sex to destroy the people of God from the inside out. Marriage, however, is the shield God has given us to defend ourselves wholly from the attacks of Satan on our everyday lives and bodies.
  • What Do You Want Out of Life? Building Your House Upon the Rock: Jesus invites us to build our lives on the rock of His promises. Jesus guarantees a secure future for all who hear His words and keep them. When relationships are built on sex first, the “house” is being propped up in the sand instead of anchored on the Rock.
  • What’s It Going to Take to Get There? Vitality v. Decay: When we look at how sin, death, and the devil attack our bodies, it is to cause decay. God has created us, redeemed us, and loves us undoes decay and brings forth vitality. Vitality is decay’s antithesis: God gives us “abundant life” in Jesus Christ (John 10:10).
  • What Should Dating and True Love Look Like? Identity in Christ: How far is too far? What is the purpose of dating? Are lust and love the same thing? Before these questions can be answered, we must step back and consider something far more foundational: identity. When our identity is in Jesus, every other relationship falls into its proper place and radiates out from our relationship with Him.
  • A Happy, Healthy Marriage. What’s the Big Deal?A healthy marriage brings with it the most beautiful picture of Christ’s very life given for us. A microcosm, a smaller version of something larger, that grounds us in His true and never-ending love before we bind ourselves to our spouse’s true and never-ending love.

Teens hear a lot of conflicting viewpoints about sex. The world tells them to follow their heart and do what feels right—that sex isn’t a big deal, that pornography isn’t harmful, that modesty and marriage are old-fashioned. This study will help them battle against these conflicting viewpoints with the solid truth of our Real. Present. God.

Download the Leader Notes.
Download the Participant Handout.

Links and resources used in the study:
Session 1:
Life Hike Cards
Session 3:
Videos for “Sexual Propaganda” Section
Session 5:
Video for “The Modern Family” Section

About the author

Heather Ruesch is a respected life-issues advocate, communicator, and author. She has served as the executive director of crisis pregnancy centers and is a dynamic sexual integrity educator. "Equipping Christians to speak boldly the value that every human life has to our Creator, through clear and focused teaching in God’s Word, that begins first and foremost when we comprehend our own intrinsic value found solely in Jesus Christ."
View more from Heather

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