Top 10 Ways to Incorporate Adults at Your Servant Event

Top 10 Ways to Incorporate Adults at Your Event

Adults are important for any youth servant event. They set the tone and can help create a healthy, successful, and faithful event.

10. Chaperones – It’s pretty obvious, yet important. Our youth need adult supervision.

9. Communication – Begin communication before the event begins.

8. Small Group Leaders – Help facilitate Bible study discussions and devotions.

7. Worksite Leaders – Help oversee and coordinate projects at worksites.

6. Planning Meetings – Be resources for each other (see It’s Your Serve, pages 84-88).

5. Support Staff – Recruit adults from your church or organization to help in key areas (i.e. recreation, music, food, etc.).

4. Assistants – Use youth counselors as assistants to support staff as they are gifted.

3. Delegate Responsibilities – Delegate so you have sufficient time to do your job.

2. Special Talents – Use the gifts and talents of your adult volunteers to enhance the event.

1. Role Models – Hard working adults live out their Christian life in real ways.

Compiled by the LCMS Servant Event Committee: Rev. Barry Akers; Shelly Carlson; Linda Gage; James Lohman, DCE; Randy Ronning, DCE; Leah Sallach

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