Who Needs an Attitude Adjustment? (Pentecost 5C Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 5C Gospel.

Text: Luke 10:25-37 for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series C


Participants will:

  1. Learn to distinguish between ungodly attitudes toward those in need.
  2. Learn to display godly actions toward those in need.




This Bible study is intended for use by a group of 5-6 people. Once the small group has been formed, the shortest person in the group will be asked to lead the group through the activities. Every group member should be allowed time to share thoughts and feelings but may pass.


  1. The leader reads the following list of words, allowing time after each word for the group members to respond with the first word that comes to mind. The leader will pick a group member to record the responses.
    1. Homeless people
    2. People on welfare
    3. CPR
    4. Hitch-hikers
    5. AIDS
    6. Good Samaritan
  2. After all the words have been read and the responses shared, talk about what responses surprised members of the group.
  3. Tell about a time when you were able to help someone who was in trouble. How did you feel about the person who was in trouble? How did you feel about helping?


  1. Read Luke 10:25-28. For the next two minutes, make two lists telling the ways you show your love for God and your love for other people? Share these lists with the group.
  2. Read Luke 10:29-35. For the next five-six minutes, complete the following sentences on your own, then share your answers with the group.
    1. To the robbers, the man was someone to . . .
    2. To the priest, the man was someone to . . .
    3. To the Levite, the man was someone to . . .
    4. To the innkeeper, the man was someone to . . .
    5. To the Samaritan, the man was someone to . . .
    6. The ungodly attitudes I read about in verses are . . .
    7. The godly attitudes I read about in these verses are . . .
    8. When I know of someone in trouble, I act most like . . . (choose one of the people above.) In what ways are you similar to the person you chose?
  3. Read Luke 10:36-37. Complete the following sentence, then share your response with the group. For me to become more like the Samaritan I will need to . . .


  1. Read the following questions and allow time for each group member to share their answers.
    1. From the parable of the Good Samaritan, I learned . . .
    2. By following the example of Jesus, who showed love to people in trouble, I will . . .
    3. How can we as a group help someone this week?
  2. Pick a person and a time, then as a group plan to be Good Samaritans to someone in need.


Close with a group prayer. Pray for each other and the person you plan to help. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you ways you can be a Good Samaritan to the people around you.

By Greg Sawyer

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies.

Updated for youthESource in June 2016

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