Jesus Never Met a Doubter He Didn’t Love (Easter 2C Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for the Second Sunday of Easter Gospel.

Text: John 20:19-31 for the Second Sunday of Easter, Lectionary Series C


Participants will:

  1. Understand that all people may have a faith crisis in their life.
  2. Understand that Jesus comes to us in our weak faith.
  3. Believe and trust that the risen Christ is alive and well, revealed to us in the Word and in the sacraments.




Divide into groups of 4-6 people, the person whose birthday is nearest Easter will be the leader.


  1. Describe a situation in your life that required seeing before you believed.
  2. List things that could cause someone’s faith in Christ to falter.
  3. Name a time when you felt you could trust Jesus more if you could talk to Him face to face.


Assemble in a large group.

  1. Read John 20:24-25. What could have caused Thomas to question the existence of a risen Christ?
  2. Read John 11:4-8, 16. What do you learn about Thomas?  What do you learn about his faith?  Is Thomas a doubter here?
  3. A sign for sale in a gift shop read, “If my boat springs a leak, I pray then row toward the shore.” What kind of faith is illustrated here?  Would Thomas adopt this motto?
  4. Read John 20:24-25a. Knowing how Thomas reacted in chapter 11, how would you expect Thomas to react to the news that they had seen Jesus?
  5. Read John 20:25b. What is it that Thomas doubted?  If Thomas had recently seen Lazarus raised from the dead, why does he doubt?  If we have walked with Jesus since our baptism, why do we doubt?
  6. What is the difference between doubting and unbelief?
  7. When we experience hurt or grief, we may open the door to doubt. Our doubt may sometimes cause us to believe that we have left God and stepped into unbelief.  We might fear punishment for our doubts.  Read John 20:26-27.  What do you think was going through Thomas’ mind as Jesus spoke to him?


  1. How does Christ meet Thomas right were he’s at?
  2. What comfort does this give you when you doubt?
  3. Read John 20:28. How do we encounter Christ and recognize him as Lord and God?
  4. Have volunteers read the following passages:

Matthew 27:10 Mark 5:36 Matthew 10:31
Matthew 28:20b John 20:21, 26 John 14:27

  1. What are three things Jesus is telling us?


Close with a prayer, allowing each individual the opportunity to thank God for showing His presence in their lives.  After prayer, greet each other with Jesus’ words, “Peace be with you!”

By Richard Welmer

 Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies.

Updated for youthESource in March 2016

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