The Great Unknown (Advent 1C Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Advent 1 Gospel

Text: Luke 21:25-36 for the First Sunday in Advent, Lectionary Series C


Participants will better understand and accept the unknown events of the future through faith in God.


NIV Bibles

Large sheets of white paper






Divide the group into smaller groups of 4-5 participants. Select a leader for each small group who will encourage participation of all members.


  1. Looking in a Crystal Ball
    1. No one knows what the future will bring. Provide each participant with a sheet of white paper and markers.
    2. Give participants ten minutes to draw a scene of something that he/she expects/hopes/fears will happen to him/her in the future.
    3. Have small groups share their pictures. Encourage participants to share how they feel about this future event or experience.
  2. Ask the participants to complete the following sentence. Write the responses on newsprint.

“When I think about the future, I feel. . .”

  1. Discuss the responses. Some things to consider:
    1. Is there a consensus of feelings about the future?
    2. What, if anything, affects how we feel about the future?


  1. Read Luke 21:25-36.
    1. What future event do these verses point to?
    2. Why do you think the disciples were asking these questions? (verses 5-7)
    3. What emotions do you think the disciples were experiencing as they asked the questions and heard Jesus’ response?
  2. Have participants pair up and read the following passages of Scripture. Each pair should read one section and then discuss it. In your own words, what are these verses saying? How do these verses change your outlook on the future? Why?

Psalm 139:1-4, 11-12, 15b-16

Matthew 7:9-11

Isaiah 40:27-31

Romans 8:28, 31-32

Jeremiah 29:11-14

  1. Each pair may share their thoughts with the group.


  1. Participants should refer back to the newsprint, discuss the feelings shared earlier and answer the following questions.
  • I realized that I . . .
  • I was pleased that I . . .
  • In this study, Scripture became new to me when . . .


Close by saying a circle prayer in which partners pray for each other. Sing “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” in Lutheran Service Book page 379.

by Marianne Hart

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies.

Updated for youthESource in November 2015

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