Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (Pentecost 11B Gospel)

Download a PDF of the Word One Bible Study for Pentecost 11B Gospel.

Text: John 6:22-35 for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Series B


Participants will:

  1. Learn that following Jesus means more than having selfish needs met.
  2. See the importance of taking In daily the spiritual bread of God’s Word.


Luther’s Small Catechism

The Group Songbook, Group Publishing, Loveland, Colorado


This Bible Study has been developed for use In a small group of four people. Choose as leader of each small group the person whose birthday is the closest to Labor Day. The leader’s role is to keep the group moving through the study, encouraging participation and keeping track of the time each Individual is given to share with the rest of the group. Of course, participants always have the freedom to pass if they do not wish to share their experiences or answers.


  1. Everyone likes to build a sandwich. Choosing from the ingredients listed below, build a sandwich that is descriptive of your personality. Share with your group why you are like this sandwich.

Bread                           Meat                            Cheese                                    Garnish
Whole Wheat               Bologna                      Cheddar (sharp)                     Mayonnaise (smooth)
Wonder                        Ham                             Cojack (mixed up)                  Ketchup (tangy)
Hoagie Roll                  Pure Beef                     Limburger (fragrant)                Mustard (spicy)

  1. Why is it important to be fed with “daily bread?” What does daily bread include? (See Luther’s Small Catechism, The First Article, pp. 113-114 and the 4th Petition of the Lord’s Prayer, pp. 184-187).


  1. Read John 6:1-15, 24-26. Why were the people searching for Jesus? What was the difference between their Interest and Jesus’ interest? II you were one of those searching for Jesus, what would your thoughts and feelings have been?
  2. Why should the people listen to Jesus? (See verse 27) What event saw the “seal of approval” placed on Jesus? (Matt. 3:16-17)
  3. Why is it hard for people to believe in Jesus? Who else in Scripture asked for a sign? (see Judges 6:36-40; John 20:24-25; Matt. 12:39-40). Have you ever asked God for a sign? Was this an indication of trust or distrust In God?
  4. What does Jesus mean when He calls Himself the Bread of Life? (verse 35) How does the Bread of Life differ from the bread (manna) the Children of Israel ate in the desert, or the bread (whole wheat, rye, pumpernickel, white, Wonder) that we eat today?


  1. What reasons do people In society give for following Jesus? Why should we follow Jesus?
  2. Why is it important to have a daily intake of spiritual food?
  3. Children (and adults who won’t admit It) like to go to Golden Corral or Ryan’s or other cafeteria style restaurants. There is always a huge variety of food and you can take anything you want. What kind of spiritual food does God place In front of us? What would you consider a balanced spiritual meal to be?
  4. What plan can you use to Increase your daily diet of the Bread of Life?
  5. In this study:
    1. I discovered that I…
    2. I was pleased that I…
    3. I was displeased that I…
    4. I am going to work on…


Conclude by singing “Thy Word,” by Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith, found in The Group Songbook, Group Publishing, Loveland, Colorado. Speak in unison The Lord’s Prayer, pausing after each petition and thinking about what the petition means.


by David Reimann

Originally published in Discovery Bible Studies 19, 1996.

Updated for youthESource in June  2015


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