It’s Your Serve: Preparing to Host Your First Servant Event

This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people, but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. (2 Corinthians 9:12 NIV 84)

Servant events offer opportunities for participants to serve and be served with Christ as our example. This resource provides an overview of how to help your students serve children, youth, families and adults in your church and community and leave behind a “fingerprint of faith.”

The Importance of Growing Servants of Christ

Serving and loving other people are critical components in our Christian witness about Christ, growth in faith and life in God’s kingdom.

Christians serve because they are thankful to God who already has redeemed and loved them. They have nothing to earn or gain; they are simply giving thanks to God for what He has already done for them in Jesus Christ. They are modeling their Savior. They are eager to share His Word, to represent His love to the world and to grow in the Spirit.

God and His church create servants of Christ. We love others because He first loved us (1 John 4:19).

Getting Started:

  • Study and pray about servanting. John 13:1-17, Matthew 25:31-46 and Philippians 2:1-18 are some places you can begin.
  • Ask local organizations or members of the community how you could serve them through a servant event. Listen to the needs and determine what could be met by hosting a servant event.
  • Establish the design for your servant event, including type of work to be completed, dates, length of time the project will require and number of participants needed.
  • Determine and recruit the persons who will best work as the leadership team for your servant event.
  • Make arrangements to gather and provide all supplies, tools and materials needed for your servant event, including first aid supplies, medical release forms and an emergency medical plan.
  • Provide support and encouragement for all youth participants and adult leaders during the event.
  • Expect the unexpected; be flexible. You and your students have wonderful gifts that can be used to help others. This experience could change lives. Go with it!
  • Find other LCMS Servant Event resources including servant event Bible studies at

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