
Servin’ Lovin’ Praisin’: Is this Heaven?

Many of you have probably seen the movie Field of Dreams. This is one of my favorite movies–I love baseball so any movie about baseball is great in my book. And to make it even more exciting for me, it was filmed an hour away from my hometown in Iowa! I love this movie and it is full of great quotes, one of which is the famous, “Is this Heaven? No, it’s Iowa!”

The Lord’s Word has a lot to say about His Creation. Just being outside on a great day reminds me of what God tells us in Psalm 19:1, “The heavens tell of the glory of God. The skies display his marvelous creation.” God created our world, so it is only fitting that we get out and enjoy it!

Lately the weather outside has been wonderful here in Illinois. I would like to encourage all of you great youth leaders out there to get outside and get active with your youth. There is just something about being outside on a great night! There are so many games and activities that you can do with your youth outdoors. Old stand-by games such as dodgeball, kickball, soccer, baseball and football are easy to facilitate. You can also do things such as an ice cream social.

Speaking of ice cream, try having a huge ice cream sundae in a gutter! Find a few old gutters and clean them up. Make sure to put something under the gutters so the area stays clean, and fill that thing up with a bunch of ice cream and toppings. It is sure to be a huge hit with your youth! And at night, consider having a campfire–complete with camp songs, a devotion, and of course, S’mores! The point is–if the weather is great outside, use it to further your Youth Ministry!

Good weather is also a great opportunity for many fundraisers. Next time, we will explore some fundraiser options that you can do with your youth, parents and adult counselors. Until then…

May God bless you as we continue Servin’ Lovin’ and Praisin’ Him!
Published April 2012

Published April 24, 2012

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