
Devotion: God’s Love is…A Light for our Path!

The four years I spent at college in Nebraska meant long drives between school and home when we had holidays and breaks. I became very familiar with the highways of Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, and Indiana.

One time, as I drove early in the morning through Nebraska and Iowa, I saw the sun streaming down through the clouds…what a beautiful sight! It reminded me that God guides me on my path, whether it’s literally across the country or in my own life. God guides our steps with His love through Jesus Christ! We so often try to light our own way, but we hit bad storms and dead ends. As I got closer to home, I turned a corner and couldn’t see, and as I was about to flash my brights, the moon appeared as bright as I had ever seen it! God provided the light I needed to make it through! God provides His light to us in the dark times. Jesus Christ is our light of life. God’s love has prevailed!!

“Thy word [is] a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”  – Psalms 119:105


Dear God, thank you for being the light in our lives, the light when we are in dark places, the light that guides us daily. Only do we receive the life you promised us through the light of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Continue to help us be a light to those who are in the dark, lost and weary. We praise you that your LIGHT, your Son has prevailed!

Published December 21, 2009

About the author

Emily is an avid writer and blogger, who is passionate about sharing stories and experiences that provide opportunities for interaction, growth and deepening faith in Jesus. Emily serves as New Programming Coordinator for KINDLE ( She received her Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Dir. of Christian Education certificate from Concordia University Nebraska in 2008. Emily resides in Baltimore, MD, with her husband, Jack. You can connect with her at
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