
Devotion: New, New, New

Have you ever anxiously awaited a “new season” of your favorite show? I know that I count down the days to new episodes of my favorites. So, why don’t we count down to the new seasons in our lives? I was at an incredible church and honestly thought that God would use me there until I retired. I was comfortable. Maybe too comfortable. God decided it was time to make things “new” in my life. To change it up a bit. So, two new things happened all at once! I found out we were expecting Baby #3 and God called my husband into the pastoral ministry. So, we packed up and headed to St. Louis (I’d like to say no questions asked, but not quite.) I didn’t understand why this all had to happen now–my husband was enjoying his job as a Lutheran High School teacher, and I loved my job. I was on staff with my best friend, a wonderful pastor, and another DCE that I admire greatly. I couldn’t have asked for a better situation. But, God had other plans for us! I was not really anxiously awaiting this new season of my life, but we followed nonetheless.  

The disciples were probably very happy/comfortable in their current situations as well. Part of the family fishing business, collecting taxes, whatever their profession may have been. However, God had different, better plans for them as well. Jesus simply says, “Follow me.” And they followed. He was making things new for them as well.

“New” is not a foreign concept in Scripture–Jesus is the “New Covenant” (Luke 22:20), in 2 Corinthians 5:17 we hear that we are a “new creation”, in Revelation 21:5 the Lord says, “I am making everything new!” And Ephesians 4:22-24 speaks of putting on our “new self.”

God was not happy with the way things were. He knew that we needed to be made new. He loved us enough to do what had to be done to make all things new, He gave His one and only Son. Out of response to this, how can we not anxiously await all things that He has in store for us? As you start out, don’t get too comfortable, whether God is going to call you to a new place or use you to help make things “new” where you are, He will use you! He will always be there to make things “new” in your life as well. Every time you open His Word, expect to learn something new. 

Dear Lord, Thank you so much for not being happy with the way things were! For giving your Son as the ultimate sacrifice so that all things could be made new. Please work in our lives and our ministries that we will always be open to new things that come from you and welcome those “new seasons” in our lives with open arms! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Published June 8, 2009

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