
I Am My Own Worst Enemy

“Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

I am my own worst enemy. I discovered this last night as I was driving home from a youth ministry meeting at church with my daughter. I was telling her how tired I was and started listing all the service projects and other events that were coming up in the next two months or so. I suddenly stopped with the realization that I am my own worst enemy.  I have a tendency to overbook myself and to have too high of expectations of the people (volunteers especially) around me. When I see an opportunity or need for ministry, I want to jump on it immediately without weighing out the consequences.

I know I’m not alone here; we all do it to some extent. We take on too much, get stressed out, have sleepless nights and get angry too easily all because we overbooked ourselves.Do you have the patience of Job or are you like two of Jesus’ disciples referred to as “the sons of Thunder”?

I have to admit I generally am a person who is not slow to anger. I overbook myself and pay the price.  I am continually working on thinking with my mind instead of reacting with my emotions. It is so much better to have patience, be slow to anger and use the ability to reason that God has given us.  Sons of Thunder sounds like a great tag team for the WWF, but I’ll plan my schedule to emulate the patience of Job!

God wants us to do His work here on earth: Evangelism, Fellowship, Stewardship, Witness and Worship…but not to the point where we make ourselves sick. When this happens we’re no good to ourselves or others.

Look to the Lord for rest, for peace, for direction. He knows what He has planned for you.

Published May 1, 2005

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